This Week In Weddings - Getting Your Work Published

I’m so excited to be a guest on This Week In Weddings Podcast!

I chat with hosts Kimberly and Annie all about the ins and out’s of how to get your work published. Sharing a few of the lessons I’ve learned along the way and how I help wedding photographers and planners curate and submit their work to online and print publications.

Thank you Kimberly and Annie for having me as a guest! Click here to listen to the show.

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The Marketing Intensive Workshop for Wedding Photographers - Recap

Hosting my very own first in-person workshop was literally a dream come true! I spent months putting this three-day Marketing Intensive for Wedding Photographers together and so happy how it all turned out! I wanted to share with you a brief overview of each day and give a big thank you to all my wonderful attendees. Let’s jump right into it!

Each morning students were welcomed to a light breakfast, coffee, and of course, tea! We chatted before each session began which was wonderful for students who did not know each other prior. Each Marketing Intensive was broken down into 45-minute segments with Tea Breaks in between sections. I wanted to make sure the information was easy to process and everyone was able to stretch and take a break before we dove into the next section. Sometimes workshops can give you “all the information” in lump sum’s of time and I wanted to make sure each session was easy to process and answer any questions that came up. Students really appreciated this feedback and it was very well received.

Jaine Kershner - Wedding Photographer Coach

The Marketing Intensive for Wedding Photographers - Instagram
Day One

On the very first day of our workshop, we concentrated on Instagram and how wedding photographers should be using this platform for their wedding photography businesses. I shared how I easily and consistently create content, how I create captions easily, and how I interact with my audience using Instagram Stories. Instagram is one of my most favorite topics to teach and I was so happy to help each attendee and answer their specific questions or concerns about Instagram.


What would be a workshop without a little swag, right? I sourced a few of my favorite items for my students to take home with them. Each attendee received a Sweet Water Decor “You Got This” hot and cold to-go mug in pink (of, course!), a pack of my favorite chocolate-covered snacks from Fatty Sunday’s (a Brooklyn based company), a new Monogrammed Notebook and pen to take their notes.

I also want to thank Instaproofs, my online image hosting company, for providing my attendees with a special discount code to enjoy two months off their yearly subscription. Thank you, Adam and everyone over at Instaproofs!


The Marketing Intensive for Wedding Photographers - Pinterest
Day Two

The second day of our Marketing Intensive we concentrated on how wedding photographers should be using Pinterest for their business vs. using it for personal use. I went over how I use the platform and how it’s changed over the last two years and I know receive up to 170K views a month! I did a live demo of Tailwind and how to use this incredible application and incorporate it into your business workflows.


The Marketing Intensive for Wedding Photographers - Submissions
Day Three

Our last and final day, was all about How to Create a successful and strong wedding submission to get your work featured online or in print. I gave students class assignments and we answered all their questions during each section. We ended by going over each students wedding submissions and helping them create faster workflows for getting each submission into the inbox of editors faster.


I want to give a huge shout out and THANK YOU to each and every one of my attendee’s! Thank you so much for believing and trusting me to help you in your wedding photography businesses! I appreciate each and every one of you and cannot wait to see how you are doing in your own personal journey. Each attendee received a 30-minute complimentary online progress call with me as part of their workshop. I think it’s so important to help keep attendee’s accountable and on the right track!

Wanna know what they thought about attending the Marketing Intensive for Wedding Photographers? Read their honest reviews here.


Bummed you missed out on the workshop? Well, I’ve got some great news for you. I’ll be hosting the next round of Marketing Intensives in August 2020. So sign up for our waitlist here and be the first before we announce it to the public. You definitely do not want to miss this as it will be the last intensive workshop for 2020. I cannot wait to meet you and help you create a killer marketing plan for your wedding photography business!

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Free Marketing Checklist for Wedding Photographers

I'm back from the holidays and getting into the full swing of things for the New Year! I have so many exciting projects to share with you over the next few months including new podcasts, our monthly meetups, and our first-ever marketing workshop in February!!

You guys, who's ready to make 2020 the best year yet? I am here for it!

But, with any New Year, comes new struggles and how many of you are already feeling overwhelmed to get #allthethings done by the end of the month, especially with your marketing plan? 

Creating new content for Instagram can be overwhelming, updating your Pinterest can feel like a chore, and who has the time to submit their weddings for publication? 

Sis, I know, I've been there too but, I've got a solution for you!

I created a Marketing Checklist for Wedding Photographers to help you create an easy marketing plan for your business. It’s my top 10 things you can be doing right now to start creating a marketing strategy that helps bring new clients to your wedding photography business today!

Download the FREE guide here and start reaching your ideal clients today! Enjoy! xo, Jainé

Free Marketing Checklist for Wedding Photographers

Want more Tea? One-on-One Coaching is now available! Find out more here!

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Podcast Interview with Brittny Drye of Love Inc.

Are you struggling with getting your wedding photography picked up for publication? Ever wonder how to submit your work to be featured online? I’m so excited to chat with Brittny Drye of Love Inc. all about the in's and out's of Publishing. Brittny shares her do's, don't, and must-haves when submitting your wedding to an online or print publication.

Learn how to curate, export, and submit your wedding photography to online and print publications with An Insider’s Guide to Wedding Submissions e-guide which is available at our store. Visit the shop here.

You can listen to Tea with Jainé on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and all other major podcasting platforms. We’d love for you to leave us a review to help other listeners find out about us. Want to support Tea with Jainé? You can make a monthly contribution by using the Support this Podcast button in our profile. Thank you so much for all of your kind support!! xo

Brittny Drye of Love Inc.

Want more Tea? One-on-One Coaching is now available! Find out more here!

Stay in the know! Subscribe to our newsletter, podcast, join our facebook group and be sure to follow @jainekershner on Instagram for the latest Tea with Jainé IG TV episode.

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How to Submit Your Wedding Photography to a Blog or Magazine

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is about how to submit your work to a magazine or blog. How do you do? Which one do you submit too? What if no one ever replies to you? I've been very fortunate and grateful that my wedding photography has been published in several print magazines, online magazines, and numerous blogs. My work has also been featured on magazine covers, published in books, and I photographed an entire wedding book (Weddings In Color) as well. With my years of submission experience, I thought I'd take some of the guesswork out of submissions and share some of my best practices to help you create the best submission so you can to potentially get featured.

If you want to know how I curate, export, and submit my own wedding submissions, I’ve created an e-guide to help you streamline the entire process. An Insider’s Guide to Wedding Submissions is a 7-page downloadable PDF guide that will help you put together your wedding submission. Find out more about the guide here.

Why should you submit your wedding to a Blog or Magazine? One of the best benefits of having your work featured in print or online is to showcase your work, your vendor’s work, and your client’s vision. Most of my couples love when their wedding is featured and all of the vendors appreciate the recognition. It's sort of a "job well done" moment for everyone involved once the feature is live online or printed. Second, SEO is an incredible marketing tool for you, your vendors, and venues. The more links back to your site mean the more opportunities for new people will find you. The venue and vendors also get a great return for their work and when they show their services to new potential clients, they will be using your images to do so. Last, Social Proof that you are a good photographer and editors/publishers think so as well. Your couples will see your work in more places other than your own website, blog, and Instagram account. What's the old saying? You have to see something 7 times before you remember it, so the more times you are featured online or in print, they will remember your name when looking for a wedding photographer.

How to Submit your Wedding Photography to a Blog or Magazine

No. 1 - Curate Your Images - Most magazines or blogs want up to 100 images per submission ONLY. This means that you have to be super selective about which images you include in your submission. You can tailor each submission to the specific publication by focusing on which images they might like to see included. Speaking for myself, I only include up to 100 of my BEST images from each wedding, engagement or styled shoot. I look at each image individually and ask myself if I were to be judged on this one image alone, would I be ok with this photo to represent my entire portfolio. If I don't, then it doesn't make the submission. You have to be harsh with your choices because a smaller and stronger submission will have a better chance of being selected vs. 100 "just ok" images that don't represent your artist's ability. 

No. 2 - Get Your Specs Right! - In most cases, the online publication or magazine will have a FAQ or Submissions page where you can find out exactly what specifications they are looking for regarding image count, size and how to submit. Once you know what they will (or won't accept) you should start to curate your images. Be sure to include every single vendor you worked with inside your submission. You don't want to accidentally forget to mention someone who worked really hard on the event.

*PRO TIP* - I created Lightroom Export Presets for each publication I regularly submit to thus saving me time and energy per submission. I put in all their image specifications, save my preset, and export my images. Super easy and very fast!

No. 3 - Make Sure Your Style Matches the Publication - I cannot stress this enough but if your photography style isn't a match for the magazine you are submitting to, chances are you will not be accepted. I highly recommend that you do your research and figure out which publications you would like to be featured in and see if your style would fit their esthetic. Like minds think alike and like images will most likely get accepted on a blog that features similar style imagery. Once you've figured out your ideal publication and curated your submission, in time you will have more accepted features than rejections.

No. 4 - How to Submit Your Images - Again, this information is most likely clearly stated in the FAQ or Submissions section on their website or masthead of the magazine however you do have a few options:

  1. Submit directly to the publication via their website or blog.

  2. Contact the editors directly and send your images via an online gallery or Dropbox (or similar service).

    *PRO TIP* If you do this method, please make sure your galleries and Dropbox folders do NOT have a password on them. You want the editors to easily gain access to your images and quickly review the photos at a glance. You do not want to hinder their ability to view your work.

  3. Use a third-party software application such as Two Bright Lights or Matchology. This is a subscription bases service that allows you to upload your images and submit to multiple blogs and magazines from one central location. It can save you time in the long run because you will not have to fill out the vendor information or re-upload the images because all of that information is already online. The Knot owns Two Bright Lights so they want all their submissions to go through that system and Matchology is a great tool for more localized niche blogs which is perfect for targeting your audience.

No. 5 - Following Up and Being NICE! - After you have successfully submitted your wedding, engagement session, or styled shoot for consideration, it's a waiting game. Usually, on the FAQ page, the publication will tell you how long it will be until you hear from them. Most places are between 4-6 weeks but some outlets never reply. They receive so many submissions that it would be impossible to get back to everyone. I know, it's a bummer but it does happen. What I like to do is follow up in two-week intervals with the editors via email. I will send a polite email simply following up on my submission and asking if any decisions have been made. It's short and sweet and ALWAYS nice. I cannot stress this enough! DO NOT BE MEAN PEOPLE!! The editors are the gatekeepers to their online/print world and you do not want to piss them off. You will never get a reply if you are rude or following up to the point where they have moved your email into their SPAM folder the very moment it comes pops up. (just kidding!!) When you are nice, you can follow up and not be annoying and they will remember that. Even if you were rejected, maybe that editor will remember your work for another feature and reach out to use one of your images somewhere else. It happens ALL the time so if you start burning bridges now, it's not going to get any better along the road. 

No. 6 - Don't Take It Personally - Nobody likes rejection and it can truly sting when it's about your photography. Believe me, I would know! It happens all the time but that's ok because it might sting for a few hours (a day at the most!) but I do not take it personally. I just move on to the next publication and try again. It could be that the blog just featured a wedding very similar to yours, or your style didn't match, or it just wasn't a fit and hey, that's ok! If you want, you can ask the editor why they rejected your work and if they had any advice to share. This information and feedback is INVALUABLE if they reply to you. Not all will, but some do! Gaining access to an editor’s insight is going to help you with your next submission, your next shoot, and your next wedding to make it even better than before.

BONUS: I received a couple of questions about how I style my flat lay detailed photos for weddings and submissions. While I'm no expert, I do love taking the time to style these photos to tell a cohesive narrative of my couple’s wedding day. The bonus? Publications LOVE these types of photos that clearly and beautifully showcase the couple’s details of the day.

Need more help? An Insiders Guide to Wedding Submissions is going to be perfect for you to create a wedding submission that editor’s love and gets featured!

I hope this was helpful and encourages you to submit your work to be considered for publication. With a little effort and time, you'll be getting more Yes's than No's in no time! Have any questions you'd like me to answer? Please leave it in the comments below. I can't wait to hear from you! 

Want more Tea? One-on-One Coaching is now available! Find out more here!

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