Tea with Jaine Podcast named Top 15 Wedding Industry Podcasts to Follow!

Oh my goodness friends! Today I received wonderful news in my inbox - our podcast - Tea with Jainé was just named one of the Top 15 Wedding Industry Podcasts to Follow in 2020 by Feedspot!!

I’m incredibly honored to be included! Thank you to our community and audience for listening to our show and I’m so thrilled to help you with your wedding photography business week by week. A huge THANK YOU to Feedspot for including our show - we are ecstatic!!

Listen to Tea with Jaine any time here - on all major podcast platforms. And Please Leave us a 5 Star Review on Apple Podcasts - our goal is to reach 20 reviews in 2020. Can you help us?? Thank you!

Tea with Jaine Top Podcast to Follow in 2020

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